School Programmes
We have school programmes comprises of the Chinese Drama Workshop and AEP performances. We also perform for preschool. If you are interested to book the programme, you can contact us by phone or fill up the contact form below.

Chinese Drama Workshop
Course Outline
Introduction to Drama, stage, scriptwriter, imagination exercises, imagination exercises, imitative exercises, screen exercises, drama games, reading scripts, role play and rehearsals.
Course Fee
The fee is $150 per hour. Completed in 20 hours with a 15-minute skit performance. Limited to 20 students per class.

AEP Performances
$1800 for a 40 mins show and includes sound, Set, props and costumes. The performance includes the followings – 守株待兔,得过且过,亡羊补牢,执竿进城,狐假虎威,南柯一梦, 东郭先生 狼

Preschool Performances
$800 for a 20 mins show and includes sound, Set, props and costumes. Perform at your school for up to 100 preschool kids.